Assigned Pooling, News, Show and Tell

Just…Thank You

Good morning and happy Friday to you. This week we finished packaging up all the Advent calendars and getting them on their way. I also dyed up some more of Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Renaissance Festival.

Renaissance Festival on Stained Glass Sock

I’m excited to be getting back to the regular rhythm of dyeing colorways after a couple crazy months of the big DFW Fiber Fest, Spin Together, and the Advent calendars all one right after the other.

Meanwhile, though, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of you–my wonderful customers. I am really so very blessed to have all of you as customers, and many of you have become friends as well over the years. As I mentioned back in May, this year is the 10th anniversary of my first sale, and when I look back, I am amazed. Every day, I get to do what I love doing, and I get to do it while homeschooling my children. The juggling act can be intense sometimes, but it’s so worth it! The best part of all is that my children get to see what it looks like to work hard at something you love doing.

None of it would be possible without you, and I just want you to know how grateful I am for each and every one of you. You are the kindest and loveliest group of customers anyone could ever hope for. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend!