Dyeing, News, Spinning, Yarn and Fiber Club

A Little More Fall and a Few More Speckles

Happy Friday. Or is it Saturday already where you are already?

Writing this newsletter was my very first priority of the day, yet here I am writing this at 9 o’clock at night. Tell me I’m not the only one whose days run away at times. The little ones are asleep, my 15-year-old son is standing at the drum carder behind me carding some art batts and listening to Imagine Dragons, and my husband is putting a pork roast in the crock pot for carnita tacos tomorrow. Yum!

Let’s talk about yarn and fiber, shall we?

A Lovely Trio on Squoosh DK

Last week I mentioned the Renoir and Pagliacci yarn that were too wet to photograph. I mentioned that I thought they would look great together with Mirkwood as a Joji Locatelli’s Jodi Shawl.

Here they are. It’s more of a color shift than a strict fade as it goes from the earth tones of Mirkwood to the earth tones plus reds and pinks of Renoir to the brighter blues and purples of Pagliacci. The same coppers and purples can be found in all three.

You can find all three in the Squoosh DK section of my shop.

A Little More Autumn

As we settle firmly into fall even here in Texas, I decided to make one of my favorite Arizona colorways. It’s West Fork in Autumn, inspired by my favorite hike just north of Sedona. Here it is:

West Fork in Autumn on So Silky Sock

I also have this colorway as an art batt. It’s a little bit different. If I recall correctly, the art batt came before the yarn. Here it is:

West Fork in Autumn Art Batt

I also told you a fib. I said I had made the last batch of Trick or Treat yarn for the year, but then when it headed out the door very quickly, I decided I had better make a little more. This time I won’t make any promises. Here it is on Quick and Cozy Bulky:

Trick or Treat on Quick and Cozy Bulky

As I write this, I have it available on Sock Perfection, Squoosh DK, and Quick and Cozy Bulky.

Caught Up on Club Colorways


I am finally caught up on photos of all the club colorways. You can find them all on the Past Club Colorways page of my blog right here.

Here’s last month’s club colorway, inspired by Raphael’s “Madonna of the Chair”:

September Club Colorway Inspired by “Madonna of the Chair” by Raphael

Spin Together

By now I’m guessing you have already joined a Spin Together team or you are tired of hearing about it, but just in case, signups for this delightful week-long spinning competition end on September 30th, and the competition begins on October 3rd. It is a team-based event, but there are also individual categories for yardage on a spindle, yardage on a spinning wheel, yardage on an e-spinner, most beautiful skein, and wildest art yarn skein.

It’s a great chance to get to know a great community of spinners and to have a superb excuse for spending more time spinning than usual. You can find out more at www.spintogether.org. New spinners are welcome!


In the Steamer

As I started writing this, this was in the steamer. It’s a new batch of It’s Complicated on Sparkly Merino Sock.

It goes beautifully with Party Like It’s 2021, which I also dyed up today.

You can find both of these and all the other new goodies I have been making this month in the New This Month section of my shop.

One last thing. I dyed some more Van Gogh’s Starry Night on Sparkly Merino Sock a couple days ago. I’ll leave you with that. Stay well, and happy fiber artistry!


Van Gogh’s Starry Night on Sparkly Merino Sock